Request a BioResearch Product Faire™ at Your Institution

If you are an active science professional at a publicly funded research institution, or a biotech, biopharm, or chemistry focused company, you can request a laboratory product show and networking event.


At these events:

Your entire research community can benefit by:

  • Meeting other researchers locally
  • Finding new tools, equipment, kits, and reagents
  • Discovering research solutions
  • Networking with industry professionals
  • Getting ideas, samples, protocols and jobs

Take advantage of these:

Best “Local To You” Research Community Events

  • Researcher focused, solutions driven
  • Friendly, professional, networking atmosphere
  • Most relevant research suppliers attending
  • Generous refreshments, fun tokens, warm staff
  • Safe, insured, professionally staffed

Complete the form to the right to request a show at your location.

Provide your research community with the advantages of a professional research networking and laboratory equipment discovery event at no cost to you.
