Icahn School of Medicine Testimonials
"I like the promotions and talking to reps in person" - L. H., Icahn School of Medicine BCI event
"Friendly reps, was able to see products we use in the lab. I made good contacts here." - Z. Z., Icahn School of Medicine BCI event
"I most enjoyed the promotional offers." - E. M., Icahn School of Medicine BCI event
"I enjoyed speaking with the reps who provided more insight on their products. I think that I will use their products because they took the time to explain how they work." - T. N., Icahn School of Medicine BCI event
"We liked the BioLegend display and the mouse anesthesia guys. I would like to see more cancer and pathology applicable displays. The food was delicious." - A. C., Icahn School of Medicine BCI event
Click to see past Mount Sinai School of Medicine photo gallery
"The Mt. Sinai show was excellent. There was a lot of foot traffic and I was able to interact with many end-users. I was very pleased with not just the quantity, but quality of attendees" - Exhibitor, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine Event
"The most informative so far is the research being done on the microdiome research table. They have not only isolated DNA from human gut bacteria to enhance immune system research, but also can test water to see what specific strains of microbes are lingering." - J. Y., Icahn School of Medicine BCI event
Demonstrate Your Research Products at the Mount Sinai Event
Last year, the BioResearch Product Faire™ Event at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine attracted 210 attendees. Of these attendees, 76 were purchasing agents, professors and post docs, and 35 were lab managers. These attendees came from 12 different research buildings and 43 on-campus departments.
Explore your laboratory sales connection opportunities by participating in this highly anticipated New York event.