Your company can benefit from the following in 2019:

  • Access to over $21 Billion in research expenditures at the select top institutions we serve.
  • Face-to-face access to over 12,000 receptive researchers including 27% decision makers and end-users that recommend products and brands.
  • Extended brand exposure with increased pre-show print, social networking, and electronic publicity.
  • Participation from over 1,600 life science research departments and over 900 research buildings across over 50+ campuses.


procurement scientific saleslaboratory equpiment suppliers

We look forward to partnering with you
to make your 2019 a year of success and growth!

Something Powerful

Tell The Reader More

The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.


  • Bullets are great
  • For spelling out benefits and
  • Turning visitors into leads.

Something Powerful

Tell The Reader More

The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.


  • Bullets are great
  • For spelling out benefits and
  • Turning visitors into leads.

2019 Registration Request
